AVII 160 - Lyskamm and Lys Glacier
11.14 x 15.02"

AVII 162 - Monte Rosa and Zumsteinspitze
16.42 x 22.32"

AVII 164 - Monte Rosa and Zumsteinspitze
11.34 x 14.96"

AVII 165 - Lyskamm and the Matterhorn
16.73 x 22.24"
AVII 167- Signalkuppe (Punta Gnifetti) and Parrotspitze. From Lysjoch platform, at 14,104 feet
11.22 x 14.61"

AVII 170-173 - Lyskamm, Grand Combin (170); Matterhorn, Dent Blanche (171); Dufourspitze and Nordend (172); Mischabelhorner (173) Panorama from Signalkuppe at 14,960 feet
10.16 x 55.04"

AVII 309 -
Verra Glacier, Castor and Pollux, from the platform of the Breithorn
15.59 x 20.16"

AVII 369 - Breithorn, Riffei, Zermatt, from the summit of the Mettelhorn, 11,184 feet
15.59 x 20.16"

AVII 388 - Monte Rosa and Lyskamm, from south arete of the Rimpfischhorn
11.22 x 15.24"

AVII 391 - Monte Rosa and lower peak of the Rimpfischhorn, from highest peak of the latter, 13,900 feet
11.30 x 15.08"

AVII 408 - Breithorn, from the Unter-Theodul Glacier
16.65 x 22.44" - $900

AVII 411 - Matterhorn (enlargement), from Dent D'Herens, at 13,708 feet
15.04 x 11.30"

AVII 412 - Summit of Monte Rosa, towards Macugnaga
11.30 x 15.04"

AVII 413 - Signalkuppe, Zumsteinspitze
11.38 x 15 "

AVII 424 - Monte Rosa, from Col des Grandes Murailles, at 13,120 feet
16.97 x 22.44"

AVII 462 - Lyskamm
16.69 x 22.44"

AVII 463 - Weisshorn and Mischabelhorner
16.40 x 22.58"

AVII 464 - Matterhorn, Dent Blanche, Gabelhorn, Breithorn. From the summit of Caston, 13,874 feet
11.30 x 15.35"

AVII 472 - Grand Tournalon and Grand Combin
16.89 x 22.60"

AVII 473 - Quintino Sella Hut, after the storm
11.38 x 15.28"

AVII 475 - Seracs of the Lys Glacier
15.28 x 11.38"

AVII 535-542 - Overland. Du Sommet du Breithorn 4171 m. Mt. Blanc, Grand Combin, Ruinette, Petit Cervin (535); Dent d'Herens, Cervin, Dent Blanche (536); Grand Cornier, Gabelhorn, Ruthhorn, and Hotel du Lac Noir (537); Weisshorn, Wildstrubel, and hotel du Riffel (538); Aletschhorn, Mischabelhorner, Alphubel, Fletschhorn, Weissmies (539); Rimpfischhorn, Gorner-Gletscher, Strahlhorn, Cima di Jazzi, Grenz-Gletscher (540); Nordend Dufourspitze Zumsternsp ze Signal-Kuppe (541) Lyskamm, Pollyx, Castor, Verra-Gletscher (542)
10.51 x 106.38"

AVII 537 bis - Dent Blanche, Gabelhorn and Rothhorn from the Theodulhorn
15 x 10.98"

AVII 1567 - South Side of Monte Rosa
11.38 x 15.28"

AVII 1571 - Monte Rosa, from the summit of the Fallerhorn, scuffs
16.65 x 22.64"

AVII 1572-1573 - Vincent Pyramide and Pisse Glacier (1572); Signalkuppe (Punta Gnifetti), Vigne Glacier and Loccie Pass. (1573) Panorama of Monte Rosa from the summit of the Fallerhorn
16.34 x 22.32"

AVII 1576 - Alagna Cirque and the Village of Riva Valdobbia, from the path ascending to the Ollen Pass
11.26 x 15.47"

AVII 1577 - Lyskamm, Vincent Pyramide, Corno and Pass of Le Pisse, Indren Glacier,
from Sasso del Camoscio (Gemsstein), 9,925 feet
11.38 x 15.24"

AVII 1578 - Bors Glen and Tagliaferro, from above the Vincent hut
11.34 x 15.16"

AVII 1580 - Parrotspitze, from the highest level of the Lys Glacier, 14,104 feet
11.22 x 14.84"

AVII 1582 - Lyskamm, Matterhorn, and Dent Blanche, from Sesiafoch, 14,104 feet
torn corner, vintage repair
11.10 x 15.51"

AVII 1586 - On the Signalkuppe
11.26 x 15.16"

AVII 1588 - Lyskamm from the Southeast
15.10 x 11.12"